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Many Voices IN One Movement Conference

Please join us this year for ICESAHT”s Many Voices IN One Movement Conference.  As we work towards our shared vision to prevent sexual violence and support the healing of survivors everywhere, we invite you all to join us to enhance your voice in the conversation. Our goal is to inform, inspire, and invigorate Hoosiers working in the anti-sexual violence movement to grow in their work supporting survivors of sexual violence. We will be distributing CEUs for this event. Make sure when you register you select that you would like to receive credits for your attendance.

Where: Virtual – Zoom link upon registration

Dates: September 17 – 18, 2024, 9:00a – 5:00p ET

Cost: Free

Please reach out to mariah.thatch@icesaht.org with any questions or concerns. 


Did you miss the Human Trafficking Prevention Month Conference?

If you were not able to attend the Yesterday, Today, & Tomorrow conference live, you can register below, and view on your own time. You will experience presenters as they review the history of human trafficking in the US, recent and current efforts to combat human trafficking in Indiana, and collaborations to enhance efforts moving forward. Special topics this year will include understanding exploitation of males, expanding labor trafficking awareness across the state, and the overlap between child marriage and familial trafficking.

Conference Program


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Our Supporters

A very special thank you for the federal, state, local organizations and foundations who are supporting the ICESAHT mission. We are grateful.

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Indiana Family & Social Services Administration Logo
Logo of Eskenazi Health
Indiana Department of Health Logo
The Samerian Foundation inc. logo
Logo for the Brave Heart foundation logo
Horizontal version of the Pacers Foundation Logo
ITVAP Logo to stop Trafficking of Youth
Kiwanis International Logo
Marion County Public Health Department Logo
Logo for the United States Department of Justice
Indiana Criminal Justice Institute logo
Pacers Sports & Entertainment logo

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